Wes Mason

Wes Mason

November 17, 2018

Today, Heart of a Champion’s Saturday Salute is Wes Mason! From Nine Mile River Nova Scotia, Wes is affectionately known as ‘Racin’ Wes Mason. Another name would also be fitting for Wes; The Iron Man of Nova Scotia stock car racing. Wes started his racing career in the 60s at Drag City, also known as Halifax-Dartmouth International Speedway. Wes has also run at Atlantic Speedway, Onslow, Riverside, Nine Mile River, Shediac and many more! Never without a smile, you’d be hard-pressed to find a better ambassador for Maritime stock car racing! Always a family sport for the Mason’s, Wes’s son Tony now proudly ‘wheels’ the #96 Sportsman! Wes, thank you for all you have done for stock car racing! You have the Heart of a Champion.
