Belmont Nickerson

Belmont Nickerson

January 11, 2020

Today, Heart of a Champions ‘Saturday Salute’ is Nova Scotia unsung hero, Belmont Nickerson! Belmont is woven into the fabric that made stock car racing so exciting to watch during the formidable years of the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. 🙂 Belmont always made the most of his gear and loved hauling his Sportsman or MASCAR pro stock, up and down the highways of the Maritime’s with wife Caroline, to the next race! 🙂 Belmont successfully raced at most of the bullrings around the Maritime’s, including Riverglade, Atlantic Speedway, Hammond River, Scotia Speedworld plus many more! Belmont was, during his driving years, and still remains a true ambassador for Maritime motorsports. Belmont, thank you for all the years of dedication, you have the Heart of a Champion! 🙂 Photos: Ken MacIsaac, Jim Walsh
